Name of site = Bern Latitude [°] = 46.948, Longitude [°] = 7.440, Altitude [m] = 540 Climatic zone = III, 3 Radiation model = Default (hour); Temperature model = Default (hour) Tilt radiation model = Default (hour) (Perez) Radiation: New period = 1991-2010 Temperature: New period = 2000-2009 Month H_Gh H_Dh H_Gk H_Dk H_Bn Ta Jan 33 19 55 23 48 1.3 Feb 53 30 78 35 62 2.9 Mar 95 50 121 55 92 6.4 Apr 125 64 141 67 106 10.3 May 157 74 158 75 134 15.0 Jun 172 72 168 72 162 18.9 Jul 176 71 176 73 170 19.7 Aug 151 70 162 73 134 19.3 Sep 106 47 127 50 110 15.2 Oct 66 41 88 46 62 11.2 Nov 36 20 56 23 48 5.7 Dec 26 16 44 19 38 2.1 Year 1192 573 1375 611 1165 10.7 Legend: H_Gh: Irradiation of global radiation horizontal H_Dh: Irradiation of diffuse radiation horizontal H_Gk: Irradiation of global rad., tilted plane H_Dk: Irradiation of diffuse rad., tilted plane H_Bn: Irradiation of beam Ta: Air temperature Radiation in [kWh/m²] Temperature in [°C] Nearest 3 stations: Gh: Bern-Liebefeld (3 km), Burgdorf (18 km), Neuchatel (37 km) Nearest 3 stations: Ta: Bern-Liebefeld (3 km), Bern/Belp (6 km), Neuchatel (37 km) Azimuth = 0°, Inclination = 30° Uncertainty of yearly values: Gh = 3%, Bn = 6%, Gk = 4%, Ta = 0.5 °C Trend of Gh / decade = 3.4% Variability of Gh / year = 4.6%