MeteonormSolar Cadastre

Solar resources on rooftops

A solar cadastre provides orientation, angle, irradiation, and the potential of solar production for each rooftop. The irradiation data comes from Meteonorm.

In collaboration with our GIS department, we offer solar cadasters for towns, communes and regions based high resolution digital terrain models a 3D town model. For each point on every roof, we calculate local shadowing (trees, neighboring buildings) as well as the topographic horizon. The terrain model's high resolution even allows taking complex roof structures into account. The irradiation data is calculated for each roof surface separately.


Our solar cadasters can be utilized to assess a town's or region's potential for the production of solar power. Additionally, the data can be combined with additional information, e.g. protected historical buildings, in order to further refine the potential analysis. Furthermore, a yearly solar power production can be calculated for single houses and even single roof areas.

Planning and communication tool

This information can be used internally (authorities, power companies) or published in a web application in order to sensitize house owners and citizens.