Based on our satellite and re-analysis data, we deliver historical time series for every location in worldwide.
Irradiation data for most areas North of 62°S and South of 62°N is derived from satellite data. Irradiation data outside this area is taken from ERA5 reanalysis data. Temperature profiles are modelled with measured Tmin and Tmax daily data.
The irradiation dataset was compiled combining the Heliosat method applied to the visible channels 1 and 12 (High Resolution Visible) with a multichannel retrieval for snow cover detection using near infrared and infrared channels. A statistical regression approach integrating ground measurements is adopted for bias correction and uncertainty reduction.
Meteonorm 8.0 allows access to historical time series of irradiation, temperature, humidity, precipitation and wind. The new archive contains hourly data since 2010 and is constantly updated. You can download these time series directly from the Meteonorm software. Read more.
To get access to the data archive, you need a registered license of Meteonorm 7.3 or Meteonorm 8.0.
Depending on your needs you can chose from three different packages. One single request corresponds to one year of hourly values for one site:
Quick access to monthly values (from the 8th of the following month)